Interface files

When translating a module Foo that uses a type class or algebraic data type from another file Bar, then hs-to-coq needs to know some information about these types. Therefore, when it creates Bar.v, it also writes an interface file Bar.h2ci. This interface file is loaded on demand during the translation of Foo, when and if it needs the information about Bar.

Some notes about interface file:

  • You need to pass –iface-dir foo/ to make hs-to-coq search for interface files in foo/. This flag can be used multiple times. Usually, you will at least passt –iface-dir path/to/base –iface-dir output/ where output/ is the argument to -o.
  • When it cannot find an interface file, hs-to-coq complains loudly (but still produces output). It is expected that the user will fix the problem, either by processing the dependent-upon file first, or by skipping the offending declarations.
  • hs-to-coq can help with figuring out the right dependency order. If you pass –dependency-dir deps to it, it will create a file deps/ after processing module Foo. This will, in Makefile syntax, list all read interface files as dependencies of Foo.v, ensuring that from now on all files are built in the right order.
  • Skipping instances prevents hs-to-coq from trying to load the interface files of the class’es module.
  • Coq types as well as information about the type classes Eq and Ord are hard-coded in src/lib/HsToCoq/ConvertHaskell/BuiltIn.hs.
  • When you have a manual file that defines types or type classes, you may have to create a faux interface files. Simply create a text file that is an valid empty yaml file (e.g. ‘{}’).