
Latest release

Not yet released. Eventually hs-to-coq will be available on hackage.

Development version

The source code for the development version is available via github. This repository includes everything that you need.

$ git clone
$ cd hs-to-coq

The recommended way of building hs-to-coq is to use the stack tool. If you have not setup stack before

$ stack setup

To build hs-to-coq

$ stack build

To compile hs-to-coq from scratch, we recommend GHC 8.4.1.

Coq Requirements

This repository comes with a Coq version of the Haskell base library, used by the output of hs-to-coq.

You must have Coq 8.8.1 and ssreflect to build the base library. You can install these tools using opam.

$ opam repo add coq-released
$ opam update
$ opam install coq.8.8.1 coq-mathcomp-ssreflect.1.6.4

Once installed, you can build the base library from the project root with

$ make -C base

Th directory base-thy contains auxillary definitions and lemmas, such as lawful type-class instances. You can build these with

$ make -C base-thy

Test your hs-to-coq installation

To test whether your hs-to-coq installation is successful, you can try to compile the examples that are distributed with the tool.

Some examples use git submodules, so run

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

once first to download all dependencies.

Then, compile all of the examples with

$ cd examples
$ ./

The flag noclean will recompile everything without first deleting the old versions.

$ ./ noclean

The flag quick is like the above but doesn’t run the tests.

$ ./ quick


  1. lndir: command not found

On Mac OSX, you may need to install XQuartz and imake to run examples/

If you get the error message while trying to run ./

> lndir: command not found

The following commands will install XQuartz and imake through brew:

$ brew cask install xquartz
$ brew install imake

Depending on your brew cask setup, you may also need to update your $PATH variable.

$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11/bin >> ~/.bash_profile
  1. git submodule update –init –recursive gives error fatal: Needed a single revision

Try removing the submodule directory that the error was triggered on, and run the command again. (i.e. If the error was on examples/wc/wc, a rm -rf examples/wc/wc followed by a git submodule update –init –recursive will do the trick.